Reinventing the hamburger

“Tortita de carne picada frita o asada con diversos ingredientes” is the technical description that the Real Académica Española gives to one of the most popular and most consumed foods worldwide. The hamburger is today the queen of the kitchen, the star dish in many restaurants and, in recent years, the centerpiece of many gastronomic establishments specializing solely in this meat product.

A quality minced meat cannot be missing as a central element.


Thus, there are thousands of proposals, combinations and ways to prepare a good hamburger. Gone is the simple minced beef with two or three leaves of lettuce and a couple of slices of tomato. Now the hamburger has entered the world of haute cuisine, of gourmet dishes, and professional kitchens are more active than ever in proposing simply amazing creations.

But, the base is the base and a quality minced meat cannot be missing as a central element of the dish. To cook perfect meat, there are four aspects to take into account: the cut, the cooking technique, the seasoning and the weight. However, of the four, there is one that stands out above the others, although it often does not receive the attention it deserves: spices and seasonings. These ingredients are decisive when it comes to finding the ideal taste and texture of the meat in the final preparation. Pepper, garlic powder, oregano, thyme or curry are some of the most commonly used.

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However, the steps to reinvent the classic hamburger do not end here. Accompaniment also comes into play. The range of products you can use is very wide, you can add from the most traditional ingredients, such as lettuce, tomato, onion or cheese to those that seem more risky, such as pineapple, shrimp or Russian salad. There are infinite possibilities and by adding different elements to your preparation, you turn the dish into your own original elaboration, into a signature hamburger.

At Viñals 1906, we have many different hamburgers.


At Viñals 1906, we are passionate about meat and, of course, hamburgers drive us crazy. Therefore, we also wanted to innovate with this meat product and we have added other equally tasty burgers to our classic hamburger: with cheese, with garlic and parsley, with onion, with Parmesan cheese, with a spicy “pincho moruno” (a slightly spicy personal choice) and with Roquefort cheese.

But tradition lovers have nothing to worry about. In Viñals 1906 stores, we have top quality classic hamburgers and in the recipe section, the way to prepare them: a classic, simple and very tasty hamburger. A gastronomic option that never fails.

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If, on the other hand, you want to go a step further and take a risk, you can try hamburgers made with some of the meats of most exclusive veal in the worldAngus or Wagyu beef, which, as we explained in the post on meat in Japan is a typically Japanese variety, very popular and practically melts in the mouth.

Finally, the market also offers chicken, turkey, fish or beef burgers, as well as vegetarian or vegan burgers, made from spinach, soybeans, chickpeas or lentils. As you can see, hamburgers have become one of the most versatile dishes of the moment, and hide a thousand and one possibilities. Discover them all!

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