Discover the distinctive characteristics of each breed of our cows and learn about their history, use in agriculture and food production.

Galician Blonde

The Rubia Gallega breed has its origin in Galicia and its own PGI.
The meat comes from calves of a very characteristic blond color. They can have variations between light and dark colors, being called “marela” and “bermella” respectively, but white spots or hairs of a different color from the coat are not allowed.
The Rubia Gallega breed is mainly distributed in the northwestern area of the Peninsula.
The pieces from old cows, with a good maturation, are highly prized for their quality and flavor.


Its name comes from the region of origin, Friesland (Holland), but it is considered a Spanish breed integrated in Spain, since it represents 40% of the total census of the breed.
Recognized worldwide for its excellent milk aptitude, it is the subject of rigorous performance controls and selection processes.
Its flesh is light in color and offers a great texture and delicious flavor.
The meat production of each animal is lower than in other breeds, but the level of fat infiltration is very low, making the meat very tender and juicy.

Black Angus

It is a unique meat that makes the difference, the result of exceptional genetics and an extraordinary diet, 80 percent of its feed is based on corn cereal, these animals are raised in extensive pastures in freedom and rigorous animal welfare controls.
These high quality standards, both in terms of genetics, feeding and animal freedom, produce a select meat appreciated by gastronomic experts around the world.
Its tasty flavor, tenderness and type of fat give it a juiciness that is difficult to find in other meats.

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