3 sauces that enhance veal flavor

Pairing is to mix two elements in a balanced way, getting the aromas and flavors of each one of them to intermingle perfectly. Usually, veal is paired with beverages such as wine or beer, but it can also be paired with sauces. The broths or juices enhance the taste and flavor of the meat and add color and different textures to the final dish.

Within the culinary world, sauces are one of the tastiest and most versatile elements that exist. There are thousands of ways to make them and each person gives them their personal touch, which makes them different and special. The ingredients that we can use to prepare them are infinite: spices, herbs, fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc. For all these reasons, the sauce often ends up giving a touch of distinction to the dish, making it a unique creation.

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Veal, on the other hand, is an ideal product to be paired with sauces. The taste and flavor of the different cuts of veal harmonizes perfectly with both light and stronger sauces. The quality of the central product, in this case the veal, is essential to achieve an exceptional dish. That’s why, in Viñals 1906 stores, we have all kinds of top quality veal cuts ready to be paired with delicious homemade sauces.

Within the world of sauces, juices and dressings, today we highlight 3 that fit perfectly with a good cut of veal. We hope you enjoy them and we encourage you to prepare them at home. These are our 3 proposals:

  • The
    Tartar sauce
    is prepared with very healthy products such as capers, olives, onions, radishes, mustard and mayonnaise. Once prepared, this sauce should be left to rest in a cool place for a couple of hours. Curiously, the name of this delicious sauce is said to come from the Tatar tribes of Mongolia, although it is also associated with the fact that the term “tartar” in French means “raw”.


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  • The
    Café de Paris sauce
    is a popular French sauce made with spices, herbs and butter. It is said that, in 1930, Monsieur Boubier and his wife devised a sauce composed of spices, herbs and other ingredients mixed with butter. At that time, they accompanied a delicious cut of beef with that fantastic juice. Over the years, the recipe has evolved. Each person has added his or her personal touch to the sauce, but it is still recommended for pairing a good veal entrecote, for example.


  • The
    Pepper Sauce
    is one of the basics of any recipe compilation. Tasty and simple to prepare, it is ideal to accompany any cut of veal. To make it, we only need shallots, garlic, pepper, mustard and cream or cooking cream. With all these elements together we obtain a magnificent sauce to enhance the flavor of our veal cut and add color and texture to the final preparation.


As we have seen, veal and sauces form an exceptional union. Come to our Viñals 1906 stores and dare you too to pair your favorite veal cuts with our simple and delicious Viñals 1906 sauces. Try them all and enjoy!

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